Sentences for French

This is the documentation for 3.4.0 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 4.4.0.


will generate:

  • Le jardinier a donné des pommes à sa voisine.

  • Il les lui a données.

  • Il lui a donné des pommes.

  • Il les a données à sa voisine.

Features and Usage

The generation order between DIRECT and INDIRECT respects the declared order: if you change the order, you can generate Le jardinier a donné à sa voisine des pommes.

Agreement with direct complement when using avoir auxiliary is made automatically.

There can be 2 indirect object groups, for instance to generate Pascal parle à son frère de sa leçon / Il lui parle de sa leçon. Put multiple objects with type INDIRECT in the objGroups array.

TODO: il lui en parle is not supported.