RosaeNLG Documentation

This is the documentation for 2.1.2 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 3.4.0.


RosaeNLG is a Natural Language Generation library for node.js or client side (browser) execution, based on the Pug template engine. It was previously known as FreeNLG.

Fully supported languages (with grammar, gender etc.) are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish but you can generate texts in any other language with less features.

RosaeNLG is complete enough to write production grade real life NLG applications.

Where to start

To start, use the Quick Start and the Tutorials. Then read carefully and respectfully the Reference Documentation.

If you wonder about NLG, see What is NLG and its usecases. You can also check the detailed characteristics of RosaeNLG.

French demos are available.

You can also play around with a client side editor, compiler and renderer with an in browser editor or directly here:

About the documentation

The main documentation site is A mirror is available on Github pages, but without the search bar.

RosaeNLG logo
Figure 1. Logo thanks to Denis Aulas