RosaeNLG Packager

This is the documentation for 3.2.3 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 4.4.0.

Helps to compile rosaeNLG templates in js files for client side in browser rendering.

Example of project using the RosaeNLG Packager:

  • generate a a standard RosaeNLG project using yeoman

  • rosaenlg-browser-poc technical demo module


npm install rosaenlg-packager



compileTemplateToJsString will compile a RosaeNLG template for browser side rendering into a string:

  • entryTemplate (string, mandatory): path to the template to compile

  • language (string, mandatory): the language of the templateId

  • staticFs (optional): map where the key is the path of the template and the value its content; if not provided, it will try to find the templates on the disk; typically staticFs is used in environments where fs is not available like a browser

  • rosaeNlgFeatures: rosaeNLG lib, typically from const rosaenlg = require('rosaenlg');

  • exportDefault (boolean, default value is false): put true if you want the main template function to be exported; useful in a node environment but do not use it if the compiled function must be used in a browser

  • compileDebug (boolean, default value is false): put true if you want pug compileDebug to be activated; if activated, you will have a potential dependancy with fs (due to pug_rethrow in pug-runtime) - which you should avoid if you plan to run the function in a browser

const packager = require('rosaenlg-packager');
const rosaenlg = require('rosaenlg');

const compiled = packager.compileTemplateToJsString('test/test.pug', 'en_US', null, rosaenlg);

const compiledFct = new Function('params', `${compiled}; return template(params);`);
const rendered = compiledFct({
  util: new rosaenlg.NlgLib({ language: 'en_US' }),


completePackagedTemplateJson packages (and optionally compiles) templates into a single object, generally for JSON serialization. Takes 2 parameters:

  • template info, more below

  • the RosaeNLG object (you get it from require('rosaenlg'))

It completes the object in the first parameter (it does not return anything).

Template info structure:

  • templateId: string; will be just kept as is (not used during the packaging process)

  • src:

    • entryTemplate: string; the path to the main template

    • compileInfo: mandatory as at some point compilation will occur

      • activate: boolean; if set, the template will be compiled, and included in the output

      • compileDebug: boolean; activate Pug debug

      • language: language

    • autotest: all fields will just be copied as is in the output (not used during packaging)

      • activate: boolean

      • input: object that is a valid input to render the template

      • expected: string[]; strings that should be in the rendered template

don’t forget to put language in autotest input section too.

Extract from the bootstrap RosaeNLG project (use yeoman to generate it):

const packager = require('rosaenlg-packager');
const rosaenlg = require('rosaenlg');
const fs = require('fs');

function doPackage(cb) {

  const packageObj = {
    templateId: 'phones',
    src: {
      entryTemplate: 'templates/phoneForJson.pug',
      compileInfo: {
        language: 'fr_FR'
      autotest: {
        activate: true,
        input: {
          language: 'fr_FR',
          phone: {
            "name": "OnePlus 5T",
            "colors": ["Black", "Red", "White"],
            "displaySize": 6,
            "screenRatio": 80.43,
            "battery": 3300
        expected: ['phone', 'battery']

  packager.completePackagedTemplateJson(packageObj, rosaenlg);

  fs.writeFile('dist/phone_package.json', JSON.stringify(packageObj), 'utf8', () => {


expandPackagedTemplateJson will transform a JSON packaged project into plain separate files. It takes 2 parameters:

  • the JSON (already parsed) of the package

  • the destination folder

It will only use the src/templates part of the package. All the rest (autotest, compileInfo) will be ignored.