RosaeNLG Packager

Helps to compile rosaeNLG templates in js files for client side in browser rendering.

Example of project using the RosaeNLG Packager:

  • generate a a standard RosaeNLG project using yeoman

  • rosaenlg-browser-poc technical demo module


npm install rosaenlg-packager



compileTemplateToJsString will compile a RosaeNLG template for browser side rendering into a string:

  • entryTemplate (string, mandatory): path to the template to compile

  • language (string, mandatory): the language of the templateId

  • staticFs (optional): map where the key is the path of the template and the value its content; if not provided, it will try to find the templates on the disk; typically staticFs is used in environments where fs is not available like a browser

  • rosaeNlgFeatures: rosaeNLG lib, typically from const rosaenlg = require('rosaenlg');

  • exportDefault (boolean, default value is false): put true if you want the main template function to be exported; useful in a node environment but do not use it if the compiled function must be used in a browser

  • compileDebug (boolean, default value is false): put true if you want pug compileDebug to be activated; if activated, you will have a potential dependancy with fs (due to pug_rethrow in pug-runtime) - which you should avoid if you plan to run the function in a browser

const packager = require('rosaenlg-packager');
const rosaenlg = require('rosaenlg');

const compiled = packager.compileTemplateToJsString('test/test.pug', 'en_US', null, rosaenlg);

const compiledFct = new Function('params', `${compiled}; return template(params);`);
const rendered = compiledFct({
  util: new rosaenlg.NlgLib({ language: 'en_US' }),


completePackagedTemplateJson packages (and optionally compiles) templates into a single object, generally for JSON serialization. Takes 2 parameters:

  • template info, more below

  • the RosaeNLG object (you get it from require('rosaenlg'))

It completes the object in the first parameter (it does not return anything).

Template info structure:

  • templateId: string; will be just kept as is (not used during the packaging process)

  • src:

    • entryTemplate: string; the path to the main template

    • compileInfo: mandatory as at some point compilation will occur

      • activate: boolean; if set, the template will be compiled, and included in the output

      • compileDebug: boolean; activate Pug debug

      • language: language

    • autotest: all fields will just be copied as is in the output (not used during packaging)

      • activate: boolean

      • input: object that is a valid input to render the template

      • expected: string[]; strings that should be in the rendered template

don’t forget to put language in autotest input section too.

Extract from the bootstrap RosaeNLG project (use yeoman to generate it):

const packager = require('rosaenlg-packager');
const rosaenlg = require('rosaenlg');
const fs = require('fs');

function doPackage(cb) {

  const packageObj = {
    templateId: 'phones',
    src: {
      entryTemplate: 'templates/phoneForJson.pug',
      compileInfo: {
        language: 'fr_FR'
      autotest: {
        activate: true,
        input: {
          language: 'fr_FR',
          phone: {
            "name": "OnePlus 5T",
            "colors": ["Black", "Red", "White"],
            "displaySize": 6,
            "screenRatio": 80.43,
            "battery": 3300
        expected: ['phone', 'battery']

  packager.completePackagedTemplateJson(packageObj, rosaenlg);

  fs.writeFile('dist/phone_package.json', JSON.stringify(packageObj), 'utf8', () => {


expandPackagedTemplateJson will transform a JSON packaged project into plain separate files. It takes 2 parameters:

  • the JSON (already parsed) of the package

  • the destination folder

It will only use the src/templates part of the package. All the rest (autotest, compileInfo) will be ignored.