Simplified Syntax for Value

This is the documentation for 3.2.4 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 4.4.0.

A simplified syntax can be used to indicate a determiner, an adjective and a gender, with #[+value('<…​>')]. Dictionnaries are used to determiner what is the noun, what are the adjectives and their positions.

Table 1. Availability of simplified syntax
Language Available








yes (but not really useful)



As is it based on dictionnaries or rules, it is less reliable than the full syntax.
Table 2. Examples
Classic syntax Simplified syntax

#[+value('caméra', {det:'DEFINITE', adj:'vieux', adjPos:'BEFORE'})]

#[+value("<la vieille caméra>")]

#[+value('gâteau', {det:'INDEFINITE', adj:'délicieux', number:'P'})]

#[+value("<des gâteaux délicieux P>")]

#[+value('homme', {det:'INDEFINITE', adj:'beau', adjPos:'BEFORE'})]

#[+value('<une beau hommes>')]

#[+value('bague', {det:'DEMONSTRATIVE', adj:'exquis', adjPos:'BEFORE', represents: PRODUIT})]

#[+value('<cette exquis bague>', {represents: PRODUIT})]

#[+value('Gurke', {case:'GENITIVE', det:'DEFINITE', adj:'alt'})]

#[+value("<der alte Gurke>", {case:'GENITIVE'})]

#[+value('Telefon', {case:'ACCUSATIVE', det:'DEFINITE', adj:'neu'})]

#[+value('<der neu Telefon>', {case:'ACCUSATIVE'})]

#[+value('house', { det:'DEMONSTRATIVE', dist:'FAR'})]

#[+value('<that house>')]

#[+value('torta', {adj:'delizioso', adjPos:'BEFORE', number:'P'})]

#[+value("<delizioso torta P>")]


  • Supported determiners are definite articles (le la les), indefinite articles (un une des), and demonstrative pronouns (ce cet cette ces).

  • Nothing is deducted from the specific article you choose. <la arbre> is the same as <le arbre>.

  • Adjectives must be in dictionnary.

  • Adjective can be before or after the noun (put it a the proper place!), and is optional.

  • Determiner is optional.

  • If nouns are not in the dictionnary, you must provide a gender (M or F). For instance #[+value('<la bon schwarzwald F>')] will output la bonne schwarzwald.

  • You can add a number at the end (S or P).

  • The parser will raise an error at runtime if the expression is not properly parsed.

  • You can add further parameters (like {represents: …​}).

  • The parser can be confused in some cases. For instance, in <le beau hâbleur>, hâbleur can be both an adjective and a noun, and beau too - even if in this situation it is quite clear that beau is the adjective and hâbleur the noun.

  • The simplified syntax does not work for inside the browser nor in Lambda version (neither for compilation nor for simple rendering) because it would require to embed large linguistic resources.