Possessives with recipientPossession and thirdPossession

This is the documentation for 1.5.8 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 3.4.0.

not available in Italian yet

With thirdPossession

Use it when you want to talk of a property of an object. If the object you talk about is a ring, you may want to talk about its weight, its size, etc. - texts like the weight of the ring, its size, etc.

Use thirdPossession(owner, owned):

will output la largeur de la bague / son poids.

As usual thirdPossession takes an optional last parameter that is sent as is to the subject.

In Englis you can add possForm: OF (default) to generate texts like the width of the ring or S for the ring’s width.

In German you can indicate the case:

will output: die Gurke: 8 cm ist ihres Durchmessers, grün ist ihrer Farbe.

addToParams is required here so that the case is conveyed through the call stack.

You can use value with owner param instead of thirdPossession. [+value('largeur', {owner: BAGUE})] is equivalent to [+thirdPossession(BAGUE, 'largeur')].

With recipientPossession

French and English only (partial support for both)

recipientPossession(owned) will output item as if owned by the reader. #[+recipientPossession(PRODUCT)] will output votre bague or vos boucles d’oreille.