This is the documentation for 1.16.7 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 3.4.0.



RosaeNLG can be used without any restriction (MIT). All components are published in open-source. Event the AWS Lambda functions for hosting.

Bugs and questions should be reported through Gitlab issue tracker.

Hosting service

RosaeNLG is available through Rapid API. The backend is AWS Lambda.

For larger usecases, I can grant a paid direct access to the Lambda backend (authentication using auth0 JWT). Contact me.

Paid support and consulting

Addventa, a company specialized in NLG and based in Paris provides commercial support on RosaeNLG:

  • support with SLA on RosaeNLG

  • Professional Services (consulting, development)

The author can provide expertise on POC and small projects, directly or with Addventa.

Contact the author

You may contact me at ludan [dot] stoeckle [at] rosaenlg [dot] org