Developer Experience

This is the documentation for 1.6.2 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 3.4.0.

how, in practice, develop RosaeNLG templates efficiently

Initial setup:

  • use VSCode as it has syntax highlighting for Pug - which is 90% the same as RosaeNLG

  • fork the boilerplate project

  • run npm install


  • open a terminal within VSCode

  • in that terminal run npx rosaenlg-cli -l fr_FR -w templates\phoneCli.pug

  • just modify a template, save, and the result will be rendered in real time in the terminal

Interactive Development using VSCode

The phoneCli.pug template contains sample data: this is practical for development and debug, but that’s all: your real data should no stay in templates.


  • just use gulp texts to render texts in an HTML file

  • adapt to generate a JSON file or whatever

Deploy to use as an API:

  • create a RosaeNLG server somewhere, AWS etc. with docker: docker run -p 80:5000 -i

  • run gulp package to get your packaged template in dist/

  • push your template to your server using the API: POST on /templates

  • render: POST to /templates/phones/render